
In terms of carreer and training, my most impressive degree is a Ph.D. in the field of Molecular Biophysics. My disertation was "Nonlinear Optical Effects in Multi-Level Systems." It was a mixture of quantum mechanics and blood, sweat, and tears.

My college major reads like a drunken ant walking through the course book. I started as a pre-Med major then switched to geography when I figured out that I didn't have the stomach for surgery. From geography I went into early childhood education then psychology. After I graduated with a Bachelar of Arts degree in Psychology I realized that my degree qualified me to spend my days with crazy people.

If I was going to spend my time with crazy people I figured I might as well continue school and take a degree in biology. But alas, I couldn't handle cutting up dead cats and turtles any better than I could handle cutting up humans. So, I switched my degree to chemistry. What the heck, I could get a degree in psycho-pharmacology. Still no good. Instead of spending my days surrounded by crazy people I would probably end up spending my nights with crazy people.

It was at this point that I recieved two scholorships and had to choose between being lynched in the south or persuing a career in Oregon that I no longer looked forward to.

Happily they didn't lynch the yankee (me) and I took a degree in Molecular Biophysics from Florida State University.

Now that I was prepared for the world with a Ph.D. in a cross discipline study of chemistry, physics and biology, I went on to become a computer programmer, a science fiction writer, a game developer, a printer, a sculptor, a performance artist and all around whacko. I'm not actually certified as a whacko. I have studiously avoided interviews with men in white coats carrying clip boards.

If you read through the above (or at least waited for the whole page to load into buffer) maybe you'll be interested in a purusing a partial list of published and unpublished papers. In that case check out: Science Papers with E.J. Gold

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