
How Dare General Xxaxx Call Himself an Editor?

Hey, you'd be surprised what a little daring can do. In my case, someone asked for a few science articles waffling on about science in one form or another -- hopefully in an entertaining fashion. I have done this to the result that several of my "Science Articles" have been published in the Galaxy FYI Column. Below is a sampling description of some of those articles.

The Weight of History
It's just possible that my obsession with dinosaur pee in the world's drinking supply is a tad over the limit. But, if someone doesn't watch out for these things who will?  

Bee Barf -- The Sweet Elixir of Life
Normally one wouldn't think of storing the vomit from another creature to use as a food product. But since they're only bugs I suppose it's alright.

DNA -- The Wonder Bully
One tries to speak well of one's genetic structure. But talk about control freaks. This DNA stuff takes the prize.

These are but a few of the FYI articles that Galaxy eZine has conjoled from me. If you want to see the full collection check out the FYI Main Index page.

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