SMOG-OPS Canteen Link

Workshop 12




Smog-ops Canteen
The Seven Bodies of Man
Saturday January 9th
7:00 a.m. - Midnight

"Across the centuries from ancient Sumer, Mohenjo-Daro, Egypt--from shaman-priests, secret societies and esoteric fellowships--comes the rumor that Man, (that is, the human) as we know him/her, is not a completed being. There are other dimensions besides the human, the tales go, and other bodies that may be formed to function in those dimensions.  

What are such bodies made of? What are the specific  practices that enable an illuminated human of this dimension to form those bodies? And what are the appropriate uses and functions of such higher formations?"


7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.
Opening Address
"We can begin this work with the idea that we came from somewhere else, and landed like an airplane in a human biological machine. However, arising as an individuum can  now occur for the first time in this human form we inhabit.  There are undoubtedly parts which have existed since the beginning of time--cell colonies...spiritualized parts also, which are not complete. " -- E.J. Gold
Address by Dr. Claude Needham

8:00 a .m - 9:00 a.m.
"Some events in life we can remember with such vividness, as if they were happening now, although no apparent reason exists to arouse such powerful memories of these seemingly trivial events...If we think back over these times when we woke up for a few moments, we discover a specific mood which accompanies each."

9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
The Prayer Wheel
"We must be able to hear the sound-reverberation of our prayer in the throbbing of our pulse and, moreover, as the distinct unique sound of our own voice."
Lily Nova

10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
What is the Plan?
"We must know how to organize our time and efforts with economy. We cannot afford to squander our time on daily existence. We must do some things everyday toward our daily existence; we cannot afford to turn our backs on organic life, yet we cannot devote all our time to it. We must find a way to work which allows us to give some time and attention to organic life and at the same time do our higher work."
Robbert Trice

11:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m. 
Invocational Writing Circle
Iven Lourie

12:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Body Painting
Della Heywood

1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
The Bardo of Dreams -- A Dream Circle
Meg Foard

2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Work Wishing
"Beginning knowledge necessary to enter the Work is called Work Wishing--to wish for something more from life...the final realization that nothing offered in ordinary life is worth anything in itself."
Jimmi Accardi

4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
The dominant emotion at death suns up the life, tells the whole story to one who can see--what was accomplished; it provides an objective view of our life. Looking at life from a point of view outside, we can choose a life by viewing the moment of death of the organic body.
We will look at the opportunity inherent in the moment of death as discussed in the Chapter "Emotional Postures" from Seven Bodies of Man. Please make a list of the "moments of death of the organic body" which you have witnessed in your "life". Be prepared to practice the suggested mudras, gestures, and postures before and after this workshop.
Patricia Elizabeth

5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Shared Experiences
Douglass Truth

6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Beta 9
Maureen Nelly

7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
The Medicine Wheel - Light Body Yoga
Marta Jones & Dru Kristel

8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Comedy Hour
Ellen Tisdale

9:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.
Objective Gaming
Claude Needham

Workshop #12 Materials

The Seven Bodies of Man author, E.J. Gold; Tranformational Psychology / Alchemy -- A Gateways Publication, trade paperback: $15.95 hardcover: $75.00

"E.J.'s conscience caresses this groundbreaking treatise on the nurturance of a Soul. His upfront morality is so at ease with itself there that it gently nudges us away from the obviously evil while not getting in the way of obviously good; this is rebellion with integrity! Gold's work with 'the gradation of reason' eloquently demonstrates what the most passionate people have been waiting for all this time: the dawning of objectivity." -ANTERO ALLI, author of Angel Tech and Director or ParaTheatrical ReSearch

"I have come to appreciate E.J. Gold as something much rarer  than a mere information disseminator: a teacher who does  something through his communication and stands behind his statements as a presence and a person with whom it is possible to relate." -CLAUDIO NARANJO, author of The Healing Journey, Enneatypes, Character and Neurosis.

To register for the All Day Experimental On-Line Bardo Workshop e-mail to or call 530-272-0180 or 1-800-869-0658 or  fax 530-272-0184  or mail to IDHHB, P.O Box 370, Nevada City, Ca., 95959.

All of the workshop events will take place in the Palace environment beginning  Saturday at 7:00 a.m. If you are having any technical problems please call us  1-800-869-0658 / 530-272-0180 or e-mail 

If you do not already have the Palace software you can find reference to downloading it at

A $25.00 workshop fee is suggested for the entire workshop,  visa, mastercard, american express and checks ( to IDHHB)  are all accepted. It is always greatly appreciated when the  workshop fee reaches the Institute before events take place.  We will be on line for the whole workshop but please feel free  to come and go as your schedule permits. 

Cya Saturday, January 9th at the Workshop !


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