By Linda Corriveau


E.J. Gold's
Semiautobiographical Epic
Ready for Private Readings

EJ and friends

For several years now, E.J.Gold has been working on SlimeWars, a semi-autobiographical account of the 60s peppered with the most rib-tickling anecdotes and inside information that you could ever hope to come across from an Army Security Agency survivor.

SlimeWars includes close to 3000 photos that contribute to the humor of the book, not to mention what the captions do for it. The incongruity is sometimes absolutely hilarious. juxtapositions are often shocking and never boring.

For example, imagine looking at a picture of Hitler and company in a winter scene where two women cross-country skiers are greeting him and he is saying to them, "I tried my hand at tatting and knitting."

Even the names of cities have undergone a few changes over the centuries and places like Chicago are now called New Chicago and by A.D. 3218 New York is known as New New New York. With over 300,000 words, there's a lot to chew on. It's a hefty book-any book Gold loads with images tends to be hefty -- and well worth reading.

To excite your curiosity, imagine that the book is written from the point of view of a time-traveling slimemold from the 37th century who has come to earth during our time period and has some definite viewpoints on humans, aliens, politicians, rock stars, historical figures, and many others.

I am reminded, as I write this, for those of you who are familiar with Creation Story Verbatim, of the line where the Lord complains of trying to drown Moses and friends when they were crossing the river, not the soldiers who were pursuing them. It's tweaks of this kind that make SlimeWars a very entertaining book to read.

The book/project is nearing completion, so SlimeWars will soon be available for private readings, but don't look for it in your local bookstore. We need a serious backer for something like this to get printed in any substantial way with its multimedia CDRom adjunct. We probably need at least $50,000 just to do a small edition, and I don't even know if that would be enough to really get anywhere.

Anyway, you will soon be able to order for $100 a reading copy for you and your group. So stay posted. You are going to love this book. Behind the humor and the gags is some very serious stuff. As usual.


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