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Our Mission:
The biology of slimemolds is a very interesting study. Slimemolds are created by the process of cells coming together in mutual cooperation without sacrifice of individuality. It is apparent from the behavior of some groups that certain folks believe sameness and uniformity give strength to a community of cells. Not so. It is the coordinated expression of each cell's unique character in cooperation with the whole that brings the slimemold form into being.

Working in this way a slimemold is able to accomplish things that no individual or group of individuals could do in isolation. The internet is a wonderful opportunity for us to make experiments along this same line.

Each of the websites hosted by Slimeworld has a very unique character -- a flavor all their own. Browsing this domain the wide variety of view points represented by the assembled websites is quite apparent.

What may not be so apparent is the open exchange of technical and artistic skills by the assembled webnauts. It is this willing fusion of talents that gives Slimeworld its special nature.

We take pleasure in helping each other maintain our individual websites. As time moves along inevitably the artists are learning the technical aspects of web-design and the programmers are expanding their creative talents into something other than html markup.

Enjoy the fruits of our collective labors. We've enjoyed the work.

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This site maintained by Galaxy Website Design
